"Do you make a decision, that turns out wrong, on purpose?" "Do your decisions usually create great troubles for you?" "When you make a decision, do you make it in a hasty manner?" "Do you disregard the consequence to others in your decisions?" "After making a decision, do you stand by it...no matter what?" "Do you disregard the long-range effects of your decisions?" "Do you only consider ONE possibility for every decision?" "Do over 80% of your decisions turn out sour for you?" "Once a decision is made, do you reject fresh input on the matter?" "Do you forget to write down alternative decisions to consider?" "Before making a decision, do you disregard the `worst outcome'?" "Do you forget to weigh the value of each possible alternative?" "Do you close your mind to others' ideas in decision making?" "Do you forget to ask others' input if the decision affects them?" "Do you ALWAYS stand by your decisions to the `bitter end'?" "Have you forgotten that BABE RUTH was also the `strike-out-king'?" "Do you believe that `NO DECISION' is a good decision?" "Do you believe that you SHOULD NEVER make a mistake?" "Do you expect your friends to never make a mistake?" "Do you feel compelled to be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT?" "Do you believe that, at your age, you MUST be right?" "Will the world think less of you for a poor decision?" "Have you been hesitant about making decisions?" "Do you prefer `committees' to make decisions for you?" "Do you like to let others make decisions for you?"